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Nokia Phones Repairing Section | repair-mobiles.com

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Mobilo remonts

Komentāri (0)  |  2010-12-08 04:36  |  Skatīts: 1705x        TweetMe

Noderīga info mobilo remontētājiem

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Nokia remonts (2)

Palīgs Nokia remontētājiem: (c) skat. Nokia remonts
Nokia 6124 Run a plastic tool around the edge of the join of the camera surround to unclip it. Now you can proceed further to get the LCD replaced.
Nokia 6131 How to take the cellphone apart carefully and get access to the circuit board and the LCD.
Nokia 6150 Many old Nokia cellular phones have graphical LCDs based on the PCD8544 controller. These are perfect for various electronic projects with microcontrollers. The interface is a two-wire serial type (clock and data), and some additional signals. The LCD supply is a single 3.3 V with very low supply current. This is not really a "hack"; we are merely re-using parts of the phone.
2010-01-20 16:24  |  Skatīts: 1330x        TweetMe

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Nokia remonts

Informācija Nokia aparātu remontētājiem :) (c)https://repair4mobilephone.org/disassembly_nokia.html
Nokia 918p Disassembling, painting and LED modding illustrated.
Nokia 1100 Illustrated dismantling instructions.
Nokia 1110 [archived link] This illustrated guide explains how to add a blue SMD LED (in German).
Nokia 1100
2010-01-20 16:08  |  Skatīts: 2016x        TweetMe

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Nokia 1200 -1208 uzlāde

2010-01-10 22:34  |  Skatīts: 1332x        TweetMe